Because mexicans...
...say the truth that blacks don't want to hearLouis Farrakhan says Vicente Fox was right, "Why are you so foolishly sensitive when somebody is telling you the truth?". (Nation of Islam Leader).
And the truth is, that our lovely president sometimes speaks too much, and sometimes it's so embarrasing, just like the new spots in radio and t.v. to present his new government report.
Nevertheless, I'm surprised that our lovely speaker "el Peje" does not want to debate with "Subcomandante Marcos", but he wants to do it against Madrazo, Creel, Fox or Salinas.
Don't be afraid dear Peje, I'm sure nothing's gonna happen to you, or is it that your fake left party is afraid that Marcos shows all your dirty?
Yeah, Maybe Fox is a complete dumb like a lot of people think, but at least he is not afraid of saying what he thinks. Very bad Peje, I thought you were braver.
Maybe you should apply femenin psychology, if you wear a new oufit it might give you the courage to argue with Marcos. Maybe you'll be as lucky as Fox, and at the end, somebody that has nothing to do with you will give you the reason, but I doubt it.
My distinguished visitors say:
Hello my beautifull friend from mexico!!!!! ca me estoy manifestando....hope soon we talk in the msn...
Besos de Portugal
ah que peje tan peje.
saludos rockerosos hermanita :)
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