Thanks, but no thanks
Hello visitors of this crappy blog.
Today I introduce to you, the most tetric, awful characters that have dared to show in front my beautiful eyes. At the beginning i thought it was a result of that new cleaner that made me see hallucinations. Then, i thought it was a lack of food, but i always have great meals! or maybe my eyes are not helpful anymore because i'm getting old.
I recomend that if you have a heart disease, go away from here and come back another day. The shocking truth i'm about to reveal might be tragic for weak hearts. Even more painful than a bikini wax.
Sujeto #1The first one is the always ugly John Hensley a.k.a. "Matt McNamara" in the Nip/Tuck TV Series, what a disgusting face! his girlie mouth, the nose that seems to have a cheap surgery and his eyebrows... i should shot him... to release his soul.
Sujeto #2The second is this awful thing, Sergi Alejandro; lead vocal of Miranda! a rock band from Argentina. He has an amazing resemblance with the first guy.
Now, you'll wonder... where do these awful guys come from?
The answer is simple, you only have to see the guy #3. It's a conspiration from the U.S. government, he has put his eggs around the planet, to make a big population with replicas of himself and at last, let the empire rule:
My distinguished visitors say:
I'm agree, that guys sucks, hahaha, clons of Miss Michael Jackson, the only black man, who has been able to become one white young lady...
Thank you Bellota, and I think the problem with the image of my blog is fixed.
now I can do... May the force be with you. Greetings
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