28 September 2005

Why oh Lord? Why?

It can't be possible, why?

I hate to chose

Lord of evil against Prince Bastard.
A friend against another
A movie against another
Where to eat
What to drink
What to wear

But this?

Why? What did i to deserve this punishment?
Rafa Márquez vs. Cuauhtémoc Blanco in the athlete of the week in Yahoo!.


I believe in Temoc's innocence and his great habilities to play, the glory of the america team with 27 without losing...
I believe in Rafa Marquez's monkey beauty and his hability to play in defense..


And as today is so sporty... http://mx.sports.yahoo.com/premios/ please vote for your faves

I wanted to write a nostalgic post, but today everyone is in that mood. You better vote


For those who have problems when you access this blog, you can avoid it by using Firefox ;) Rafa Marquez pic is courtesy of Gon, the other i don't remember.

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